
Infant Baptism in Historical Perspective is unavailable, but you can change that!

These important and incisive essays, spanning more than two decades of research and engagement, probe facets and episodes of infant baptism’s fortunes over twenty centuries. The story of paedo baptism is traced from its shadowy beginnings as a variant of faith—baptism, through inflated Reformation defenses as it monopolized baptismal thought and practice, to biblical and ecumenical re—evaluations...

certainly overdue, although its starting-point is bound to be the celebrated exchange between Joachim Jeremias and Kurt Aland of two decades ago.4 Ecumenical discussion, and in some churches ecumenical reality, call on both paedobaptists and credobaptists to examine the others’ practice with a new seriousness. In such a context the beginnings of the dominant tradition cannot healthily be left unscrutinized or treated as inscrutable. Three preliminary points must be made. First, the word ‘infant’
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